
El Paso 2 Day Movie Challenge "Lite Edition" KICK-OFF

El Paso 2 Day Movie Challenge "Lite Edition"  KICK-OFF

November 17, 2023
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
1105 Yandell Dr, El Paso, TX 79902

Star Central Studios
Contact Name:
Drew Mayer-Oakes
Contact E-mail Address:
Contact Phone Number:

So, what is the El Paso 2 Day Movie Challenge?

The El Paso 2 Day Movie Challenge is a weekend movie event that is similar to other timed competitions that have grown in popularity in the last decade, such as 24 and 48-hour events. Moviemakers will put together a “team” of actors and crew to create a short movie over the course of a two-day weekend.

Teams will register to participate and arrive at a kick-off event the Friday night of the Shoot Weekend, to receive instructions and elements to include in their movies. Teams may not prepare any part of the movie ahead of time. Each team must draw a movie category or “genre” from a hat at the Friday night event. Teams will draw for categories like DRAMA, COMEDY, ACTION, or FILM NOIR. Once a team draws a movie category, each team must then write, shoot and edit their 1-5 minute movie in two days. All movies are due by Sunday at 7:00 PM.

This special “Lite” edition of the challenge has a fewer number of genres, fewer variables, and can be as short as 1 minute. In addition, this year’s challenge includes the option to use film challenge “Mentors” who will participate on teams to increase their chances of completing their films. More information about that to come!

There is no entry fee to enter a team in the Challenge, but Team Leaders must be 21 years of age or older. Professionals and non-professionals alike can participate. There is no limit to the size of a team, but an important part of the challenge is for all teams to maintain proper likeness releases and waivers for all cast, crew, music and locations in the movie, just like a professional production.

All films (including LATE films turned in before midnight Sunday night) will be screened at a free screening event with date, time and location to be announced.

Registration is FREE to enter a team. Register today! Use this link:

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